Episode 5

Walmart Listing Images

This is the fifth episode in Helium 10’s Project W series, where Carrie Miller and Tim Jordan perform a never-before-seen case study on selling products on Walmart Marketplace. If you haven’t watched the earlier episodes, be sure to go back and watch them! 


In the previous episode, Carrie and Tim discussed the components of an optimized Walmart Marketplace listing, and now it is time to dive deeper into one of those components…images! If you are going to start selling on Walmart, you must comply with specific requirements for product images. Join Carrie and Tim as they go through various examples and how to avoid any future trouble in the Walmart Marketplace!

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How to Apply and Get Approved to Sell on Walmart.com

How to Apply and Get Approved to Sell on Walmart.com

Are you an Amazon seller? If so, you might be perfectly positioned to take advantage of another huge marketplace, Walmart.com!

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Intro to Walmart Advertising: What You Need to Know to and the Main Differences From Amazon PPC

Intro to Walmart Advertising: What You Need to Know to and the Main Differences From Amazon PPC

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Why Amazon Sellers Should Consider Selling on Walmart.com in 2021

Why Amazon Sellers Should Consider Selling on Walmart.com in 2021

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