Black Box provides sellers looking for a new product to sell with access to over 450 million current Amazon products to find ideas and opportunities. You can widen or narrow your search with over a dozen filters to find the product type you are looking for. Discover your next best-selling product using the three-tab system (Marketplace, Competitors, and Niche) to expand your options for narrowing your search for the most relevant results.
Black Box is available as stand-alone software.
Xray – 超流行的选品工具,包含在H10的Chrome浏览器插件中,如同X光一般,将产品的销量数据等全数呈现在您眼前,现在,Xray不仅仅适用于亚马逊,还可以查沃尔玛!
Listing Builder – 使用Listing生成器创建、优化和管理产品链接,在更短的时间内实现更高的转化率。