Black Box provides sellers looking for a new product to sell with access to over 450 million current Amazon products to find ideas and opportunities. You can widen or narrow your search with over a dozen filters to find the product type you are looking for. Discover your next best-selling product using the three-tab system (Marketplace, Competitors, and Niche) to expand your options for narrowing your search for the most relevant results.
Black Box is available as stand-alone software.
Cerebro – 使用Cerebro反查Listing关键词,找到潜力关键词,增加流量入口
Black Box – 从超过 4.5亿的产品数据库中寻找爆款。根据你的类目偏好、产品偏好和其他选品想法,使用智能过滤器来发现潜力爆款。