Refund Genie is part of our “ongoing maintenance” software that keeps your Amazon listings going strong after you have launched your product.
Refund Genie is useful for sellers who have had a product on the market for a while but maybe owed refunds due to lost or damaged goods. The tool identifies if you are owed any money from Amazon, and then how to use the information to get Amazon to pay up.
Black Box – 从超过 4.5亿的产品数据库中寻找爆款。根据你的类目偏好、产品偏好和其他选品想法,使用智能过滤器来发现潜力爆款。
Magnet – 找到最相关的高容量关键字,这样您就可以最大限度地提高自然流量并飙升您的销售额。